

There are websites that help you spend money. Ones that know you’re scared to use that credit card but make it perfectly painless to add items to a virtual shopping cart and head to checkout even before registering your personal details.

You’re broke. And squirming at the thought that your name and number intercepted and stolen. And done for.

Then there are websites that help you save money. Nothing is more useful a money-saving website.

Add a name like Wesabe, other spicy features, and you’re good to go. It also helps that Wesabe could equal and even replace the paid, desktop personal finance software nobody is fond of.

Score 9/66; Formula: Bastardized English (“we save”), Bastardized Foreign Word (“wasabi”); Confirmed Etymology: Bastardized Foreign Word (“we sabe”, “we know”, instead of “tu sabe”, “you know”); Circle No.: 3, The Pseudo-Abstract

2 thoughts on “Wesabe

  1. Hi,

    I’m Jason CEO of Wesabe. Thanks for the review. However, I take issue with your tags…we didn’t bastardize english we bastardized Spanish…the name comes from “tu sabe” (you know) so Wesabe (we know).

    We thought that is made people think of wasabi as a happy coincidence.

  2. Hi Jason, thanks very much for sharing that. I’ll edit this post immediately! I thought of wasabi because of the color! :) Of course, Web 2.0’s flagship color is green anyway.

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