What would the world be without programmers? They’re indispensable lately, since everyone’s been under the impression that coding a web application is peanuts. Like growing money on trees. Everybody is struggling to get rich quick with an equally quick hit. They want to be unique to get noticed, but wind up copying one another. And under the hood, originality in code is starting not to matter either; after all, reinventing the wheel is just a hassle.
Of course, this code search and code sharing may or may not be equal to open source code and the long-standing debate on what freedom should mean in this context.
But consider the possibilities of Krugle for all the student-coders out there who slave away night after night in front of their screens, moaning, groaning, and strangling the lifeless monitors and CPUs. They’re not being paid to pass their subjects. Unlike you who sit in front of a fancier screen in your office and can afford much more effective coffee, or a break. (Of course, no longer being in beta does not make it any more ‘legit’ to copy-paste code for those machine problems.)
Perhaps you envy them now, who are undeservingly offered the power of search right at their fingertips, unlike you, who had to scour for dozens over dozens of communities and forums, each hour signing up under a new nickname.
(I scream: “where the hell was this four months ago, when we were all dying to get done with coding analytical methods, especially that blasted recursive one?” In private beta, I suppose.)
Perhaps you don’t, because you’ve made it (here, have a kugel), or you’re still struggling, or you’ve been scarred for life.
The Qwerks
Belongs to Circle Number
3, The Pseudo-AbstractThe Formula
Bastardized Last Name (of co-founder/CTO Ken Krugler, who said he tried to register krugler.com and krugler.net but both were already taken and he settled for a missing r!)Web 2.0 Validator Score
6/51Qwerky Disclaimer at the Front Page
“The krugle service and www.krugle.com are not affiliated with or sponsored by Google Inc. We’re also not a pudding (that’s a kugel). And if you want to know how to say our name, click here.” [note: you’ll have to visit the website to view the pronunciation guide.]Also Good For Teaching
Tabbed browsing
I guess you know the feeling all too well.
It’s not all that enjoyable, either.
Unlike you, you mean?
yes, we’re a few months late re: discovering krugle! argh. but anyway, charge it to experience :P
Remember, what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger.
didn’t sign up that often, actually. sometimes classmates were helpful enough. i just don’t know how our teachers would react exactly to this news.